General grants | E-Youth Cup Program

منح وبرامج تدريبية | مبادرة التنمية وريادة الأعمال للشباب

E-Youth مبادرة شبابية مصرية وكل القائمين عليها شباب مصري. هدفها هو تنمية جيل من الشباب القادر علي قيادة المجتمع للأفضل من خلال مشاريع تنموية علي ارض الواقع.

مبادرة التنمية وريادة الأعمال للشباب - EYouth
مبادرة التنمية وريادة الأعمال للشباب
عنوان المبادرة:
EYouth Cup Program

تفاصيل المبادرة:
المبادرة فكرتها بدأت في ديسمبر ٢٠١٠ وبعدها عملنا استطلاع رأي ومعسكر شبابي في ٢٠١٢ و كمان مؤتمر حاشد في ٢٠١٣ وده كله كان في الموسم الاول من المبادرة.
إحنا دلوقتي بدأنا الموسم الثاني وناويين نعمل حاجات اكتر عشان تفيد الشباب والمجتمع.

أول نشاط لينا في الموسم التاني هو كأس EYouth.
في النشاط ده إحنا هندرب شباب علي مستوي الجمهورية علي مهارات عمل المشاريع المجتمعية وكذلك مهارات القيادة والتقديم المتميز،اللي هيقوم بالتدريب شباب بردو.

احنا في EYouth
عاملين يوم بشكل جديد بنعرف فيه الافراد و الكيانات الشبابية والانشطة الطلابية والجمعيات باللي احنا نعمله , وهنعمل ايه الفترة الجاية , وازاي تشترك معانا؟
وازاى تكون فى الEYouth cup
و يعني ايه انستركتور وامباسدور وفاسيليتاتور ؟
وايه المفروض يعملوه معانا ؟
دا غير اننا هناخد فكرة عن يعني ايه ريادة اعمال وازاي نكون رواد اعمال ونعمل فلوس كويسة منها ؟
هنتكلم عن الميديا
وهنتكلم عن البيزنس
دا غير ان احنا هيشرفنا وينورنا فرقة مسرحية جبارة بتقدم عرض مسرحي تفاعلي باسم حارة تي في
احنا مش هنكون لوحدنا هيكون معانا كيانات تانية جامدة جدا في صعيد مصر اوهتعرف أكتر ازاي تشارك في ال EYouth cup
الحضور مجانى ......
أكد على حضورك بأنك تملي الاستمارة دي من هنا

الايفنت يوم الاربعاء 4\12\2013
فى قاعة النيل لانشطة الطلابية بجامعة أسيوط من الساعة 12 لحد الساعة 5.

EYouth is a youth-led initiative started in December 2010 as an idea then the idea became true and very successful through a number of events.
EYouth Slogan is "Beyond Potentials"
EYouth Vision and Mission
EYouth Vision: A generation of FUTURE Leaders and Social Entrepreneurs changing the FACE of Egypt and the WORLD
EYouth Mission: Being an incubator for all the youth in Egypt and the Middle East; extracting the best out of them turning them into true leaders and social entrepreneurs
EYouth is recruiting all over EGYPT
EYouth Cup Program is one of EYouth Programs that EYouth offer for Egyptian Youth
EYouth Cup Program aims at building a local Youth-developing unit in each city. The cup is the first social entrepreneurship competition to be held with this unique format

Next big steps
Capacity building camp in mid year vacation: This will be a week long cam where you will be equiped with skills to help you accomplish your mission in the cup

Instructors will be trained how to train the competing teams and facilitators will be trained how to facilitate and coach the competing teams throughout the competition, while ambassadors will be trained how to manage the whole process in their city

After the camp we'll be calling for participants to join in and form the competing teams who will build projects to compete on the cup. You are now ready for your mission "The training program" in your city. You will meetup with your city's team several times and the training program will be conducted at the beginning of the summer
In each city there will be a training program on "how to build a social enterprise" after which there will be qualifying competitions in each city and winners will join the grand Finale in Cairo by the end of August 2014

Wanna Join ?!
1. Be an Instructor … Joining the campaign as instructor can be one of the greatest jumps in your career! You will have a chance to teach and develop large group of participants and be recognized across the country as one of the finest young instructors
The Instructor is committed to:
1-Attend the capacity building training
2-Prepare the content of the training and design the competition
3-Deliver the training in their city and achieve the training objectives
4-Provide consultancy to teams during the competition
If you believe you can fit in this, don't hesitate to Fill the application Here

2. Be an Ambassador .. and Grasp the challenge of management with both hands, be in charge of your City's operations. Being an Ambassador gives you enormous experience in leadership, communication and PR. It also increases your contacts by multiple times in addition to be recognized as the leader of your city in the grand competition. Work opportunities in the market wait for the young men and women who can get things done!
The Ambassador is responsible for all operations in their city such as:
1-Building partnership with a successful NGO or student activity in their city that seek a similar vision to host the free trainings
2-Monitoring the trainings and competition process
3-Assessing the participants feedback on regular basis
4-Document the trainings and competitions with photos and paperwork
5-Regular reporting to the central team
6-Attending the General assemblies in Cairo
If you believe you can fit in this, don't hesitate to Fill the application Here

Be a Facilitator .. Because joining the campaign as a facilitator will give you the chance to interact with participants and have a great coaching and leadership experience
As a Facilitator you'll be committed to:
1-Attend the mid year camp and all the trainings and sessions after that with their teams
2-Deliver the information that was given in the sessions to different teams
3-Have to passion to learn
4-Help any participant in the team
5-Ready to be a team leader
6-Facilitators will be coaching the teams and they will walk with them hand in hand till they win
If you believe you can fit in this, don't hesitate to Fill the application Here

If you still have any questions please post them on the event's wall Here .. Thank You

Deadline to fill the Application is 18 December

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