امتحان القبول في اللغة الانجليزية للطلاب المتقدمين للدبلوم الخاصة
نضع بين ايديكم احدث امتحان القبول في اللغة الانجليزية للطلاب الدبلوم الخاصة
بالتعاون مع الاستاذة أسماء السوهاجي.
Answer the
Following Questions
Question One:
Choose the correct word, Write the number of the selected word in the brackets
at the right (20 marks)
1- Don't worry, all
the questions are easy and clear. The answer are ……………
A) dangerous
b) obvious
c) difficult
d) clean
2- I didn't see
Ahmed …………… he had come back.
A) till
b) after
c) before
d) since
3- You …………… smoke
in hospital. It's against the low.
A) couldn't
b) needn't
c) don't have to
d) mustn't
4- I expect it ……………
A) will rain
b) is going to rain
c) is raining
d) rains
5- I have decided
…………… the poor.
A) helping
b) helps
c) help
d) to help
6- It is a long time
since he …………… the country.
A) has left
b) had left
c) left
d) leaves
7- I avoid …………… during
rush hours.
A) travel
b) traveled
c) travelling
d) to travel
8- Can you do this
quiz, Mona?
A) make
b) take
c) do
d) perform
9- My cousin always
…………… me in chess.
A) win
b) beats
c) gains
d) conquers
10-This is the best film
I've …………… seen.
A) never
b) yet
c) since
d) ever
11-My uncle has lived in
Australia …………… three years.
A) since
b) ago
c) for
d) during
12-I …………… never traveled
outside my country.
A) have
b) do
c) am
d) was
13-Charles Dickens …………… in
the South of England.
A) bear
b) is born
c) born
d) was born
14-Do you prefer tea ……………
A) than
b) over
c) with
d) do
15-I went to the cinema in
the afternoon, before that I …………….
A) had
b) have had
c) has got
d) had had
16-I …………… the film we saw
at the cinema on Wednesday.
A) doesn't like
b) haven't liked
c) didn't like
d) don't like
17-If we were rich, we
…………… buy a huge farm in Alex.
A) will
b) would
c) shall
d) could
18-When Ahmed arrived at
the club, Hany …………….
A) played
b) has played
c) have played
d) had played
19-I wish I …………… a
musical instrument when I was a child.
A) played
b) already left
c) has already left
d) had already left
20-Mona …………… she had
bought a new car.
A) said
b) said to
c) told
d) say
A) dangerous
b) obvious
c) difficult
d) clean
A) till
b) after
c) before
d) since
A) couldn't
b) needn't
c) don't have to
d) mustn't
A) will rain
b) is going to rain
c) is raining
d) rains
A) helping
b) helps
c) help
d) to help
A) has left
b) had left
c) left
d) leaves
A) travel
b) traveled
c) travelling
d) to travel
A) make
b) take
c) do
d) perform
A) win
b) beats
c) gains
d) conquers
A) never
b) yet
c) since
d) ever
A) since
b) ago
c) for
d) during
A) have
b) do
c) am
d) was
A) bear
b) is born
c) born
d) was born
A) than
b) over
c) with
d) do
A) had
b) have had
c) has got
d) had had
A) doesn't like
b) haven't liked
c) didn't like
d) don't like
A) will
b) would
c) shall
d) could
A) played
b) has played
c) have played
d) had played
A) played
b) already left
c) has already left
d) had already left
A) said
b) said to
c) told
d) say
Question Two: Translate the following
terminologies into English - 10 marks
- التقويم البنائي
- المحاكاة التعليمية
- التعلم المدمج
- التعلم الذاتي
- الأهداف السلوكية
- مهارة التخطيط
- مهارة التقويم
- التمارين التفاعلية
- طرائق التدريس
- الوسائل التعليمية
Question Two: Translate the following terminologies into Arabic - 10 marks
Instructional Games
Problem Solving Strategy
Quality Assurance
Computer Assisted Learning
Factor analysis
Educational Reform
Question Four: Translate the following
passage into English (5 marks)
إن استخدام الحاسوب
في عمليتي التعلم والتعليم تعد من احدث المجالات التي اقتحمها الحاسوب ومن المعروف
ان المعلمين يقومون دائما بالبحث عن وسائل تعينهم على أداء وظائفهم التعليمية من
اجل الوصول الى تعليم أفضل زرغم تعدد هذه الوسائل وتنوعها فان كل وسيلة تخدم هدفا
محددا وقد تكون هذه الوسائل معقدة في تركيبها واستخدامها في بعض الأحيان كما انها
مرتفعة الثمن مما ادى الى إحجام الكثير من المدارس على شرائها واستخدامها
Question Four: Translate the following
passage into Arabic (5 marks)
Educational psychology
is the branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of human
learning. The study of learning processes, from both cognitive and behavioral
perspectives, allows researchers to understand individual differences in
intelligence, as well as their role in learning. The field of educational
psychology relies heavily on quantitative methods, including testing and
measurement, to enhance educational activities related to instructional design,
classroom management, and assessment, with serve to facilitate learning
يمكنك تحميل او طباعة نموذج الامتحان من خلال الروابط التالية
موضوعات ذات صلة:
جهد مشكور . هل يوجد اجابات نموذجية.