كورس برمجة سي شارب كامل |
كورس برمجة كامل بلغة السي شارب عربي مجانا
يتشرف موقع الكورسات المجانية ان يضع بين ايديكم كورس برمجة بلغة السي شارب كامل مكون من 66 محاضرة شرح عملي باجمالي عدد ساعات تقريبا 80 ساعة من التطبيق العملي كل هذا مع المدرب المتألق المهندس أحمد صبورجعله الله في ميزان حسناته.
محتوى الكورس:- C# course- Create Desktop App + variable + Reserved Words + Built in DataType + Constant
- C# course- Operators
- C# course- Operators - revision other operators
- C# course- Convert Cast
- C# course- operators precedence Convert Cast
- C# course- Programming Statements Categories and Declare Expression
- C# course-Selection Statements IF - else - block
- C# course- Selection Statements Switch labeled break
- C# course- Iteration Statements - Do while + While
- C# course- Iteration Statements for Comparison for while do
- C# course- Iteration Statements array for foreach break continue
- C# course- lock statement
- C# course- Inheritance Modifiers sealed, abstract Inherit constructor this, base keywords
- C# course- How To Create DDL File Library and use it in your project, with Explain Access Modifiers
- C# course- try catch finally throw
- C# course- checked and unchecked
- C# course- Revision ADO Concepts ODBC Create User Table Oracle Design Interface for new Project
- C# course- Database Disconnected Connected Mode Revision All Concepts of ADO NET without examples
- C# course- Methods
- C# course- Overloading intro to properties set and get
- C# course- Find Search Timer AutoSave Part 2 Write Schema Read from XML into DataTable AutoRecovery Part1
- C# course- Property
- C# course- Class
- C# course- Introduction to Visual Studio and Desktop Application and namespace
- C# course- Introduction to IO Classes and Driver Info Class
- C# course- Introduction to Directory Classes and Directory Info and Attributes
- C# course- Introduction to Files and working with Directory and Files
- C# course- Conclusion of Directory and Revision
- C# course- Conclusion of Files and Revision
- C# course- Stream Writer who to Create Text File and Write Data In This File
- C# course- Explain Stream Writer and Stream Reader with Example
- C# course- Work with Example Read and Write From File
- C# course- Virus Explain
- C# course- Binary Reader
- C# course- Binary Writer and Explain Some Controls
- C# course- OOP Topics
- C# course- Classes Objects Constructor Source Code Client Code
- C# course- Destructor
- C# course- Properties Read Write Only Encapsulation
- C# course- Static Fields and Methods
- C# course- Partial Classes
- C# course- Namespace Main Methods
- C# course- enumeration
- C# course- Interface
- C# course- Inheritance
- C# course- Revision OOP
- C# course- Structure
- C# course- - Polymorphisms based on Inheritance Overriding(virtual, override)
- C# course- Polymorphism based on Interface
- C# course- How to Create Windows Forms Control Library
- C# course- ADO NET Explain OLEDBConnection Connect to Access, SQLServer, Oracle
- C# course- ADO NET Explain SqlConnection Connect to SQLServer
- C# course- ADO NET Explain MySqlConnection Connect to MySQL
- C# course- - Revision Programming From MTA-98-361 Software development Fundamentals
- C# course- Command Insert Update delete Add New
- C# course- Execute Add New Save Changes Remove
- C# course- Find with DataReader
- C# course- DataTable DataGridView Search ExecuteScalar
- C# course- Disconnected Mode with Search in Database DataView
- C# course- Disconnected Mode Example Data Show with DataAdapter DataSet
- C# course- Revision CommandBuilder Concept
- C# course- Add Update with DataSet Adapter DataRow Disconnected
- C# course- Find Search Timer AutoSave
المهندس / أحمد صبور
موعد الدورة:
الكورس متاح للتحميل في اي وقت بدون تسجيل في الموقع
المحاضرات المنشورة:
المحاضرة رقم (01)
C# course - L01 - Variable
التحميل من هنا
رابط المحاضرة:
المحاضرة رقم (02)
C# course - L02 -Operators
التحميل من هنا
رابط المحاضرة:
المحاضرة رقم (03)
C# course - L03 -Operators -Part2
التحميل من هنا
رابط المحاضرة:
المحاضرة رقم (03)
C# course - L03 -Operators -Part2
التحميل من هنا
رابط المحاضرة:
المحاضرة رقم (04)
C# course - L04 -Convert Cast
التحميل من هنا
رابط المحاضرة: http://icdl4us.blogspot.com/2014/05/c-course-l04-Convert Cast.html
المحاضرة رقم (05)
المحاضرة رقم (05)
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