منحة تدريبية من المعهد القومي للإتصالات |
منحة المعهد القومي للإتصالات
فرصة متاحة امام الشباب للالتحاق بمنحة المعهد القومي للإتصالات الخاصة بتدريب الشباب حديثى التخرج من الجامعات المصرية لتأهيلهم لسوق العمل بهدف زيادة قدرتهم الإنتاجية وتمكينهم من المنافسة محلياً وإقليمياً ،حيث يتقاضى الخريج مكافأة شهرية حوالى 1000 جنيه. وقد راعى البرنامج التركيز على الجانب الفني العملي من خلال التعاون مع الشركات المتخصصة العاملة فى المجال والتعرف على احتياجاتها و تقديم التدريب الوظيفي (( On the Job Training (OJT)التخصصات المتاحة بمنحة المعهد القومي للإتصالات
يقدم البرنامج عدة محاورمختلفة وفقاً لاحتياجات سوق العمل ويتم تقسيم المتدربين تبعا لرغباتهم على الا يتعدى عدد المتدربين بكل محور 20 متدرب، والمحاور المطروحة هي كالتالي:
تخصص الاتصالات اللاسلكية:
- Wireless Communication Technology Track: Modern Wireless Technology.
- This course helps wireless professionals get recognized as having the required knowledge, skill, and ability to meet today and tomorrow’s wireless challenges. Some areas of expertise are addressed in the course: RF Engineering, Propagation, Wireless Access Technologies; Network and Service Architecture; Infrastructure; Agreements; Standards, Policies and Regulations. This course is a good guide to intend the IEEE Wireless Communication Engineering Technologies (WCET) Certification
تخصص السنترالات
- Switching Systems Track: IP Implementation in Private Branch Exchanges (VOIP)
- This course provides all the information that the trainer needs to know about private telecommunication voice systems beginning from the traditional Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems migrating towards the advanced IP-PBX systems. The course progresses from a simple first configuration onto VoIP and PSTN integration along with the provision of PBX features. The concept of unified communication is explained with how to implement and configure
تخصص البنية الأساسية ومزودي خدمات الإنترنت والاتصالات:
- Networks Infrastructures & Service Provisioning Track (2 Sub Tracks):
- Service Provider Engineer.
- This training provides the trainees with the advanced knowledge and skills required to manage service provider infrastructures. Although the practical aspects of the training focus on Cisco's IOS, the information is applicable to any routing and switching platform.
- Routing and Switching Engineer.
- This training provides the trainees with full understanding about how to design, build, manage, and support local and wide-area enterprise networks and work collaboratively with specialists on advanced security, voice, wireless and video solutions.
- Although the practical aspects of the training focus on Cisco's IOS, the information is applicable to any routing and switching platform.
- After attending, taking and passing the test of this main training course student will be able to take one of three tracks” Service Provider Engineer”, “Routing & Switching Engineer” or “Designing & Securing Networks Engineer” depending on his/her test score.
تخصص الإلكترونيات:
- Embedded System Design Track.
This course helps trainee to understand the main concepts of embedded systems, identify the different embedded system (ES) architectures, learn architecture of microcontrollers, ability to program microcontrollers, ability to design simple to medium complexity embedded systems, utilize the ES tech. in many applied projects and applications, understand the various programming languages, develop complete systems in home automation field, GSM/GPRS communications networks, GPS tracking systems, Smart Card applications, Robotics projects.
تخصص التراسل: النظم اللاسلكية ووصلات الربط الفقرية
- Wireless Systems and Backbone Networks
This Course covers the gap between the theoretical study and practical work requirements in wireless systems, as a good preparation for the IEEE Wireless Communication Engineering Technologies (WCET) Certification. The course provides a one-package training to design, implement, operate, secure, and troubleshoot wireless networks. Including backbone technology for cellular systems.
مقر المعهد القومي للاتصالات
مقر مدينة نصر:٥ شارع محمود المليجى الحى السادس – مدينة نصر - ١١٧٦٨. (عرض الخريطة)
مقر القرية الذكية:
مبنى ١٤٧ ب – ك ٢٨ طريق القاهرة الاسكندرية الصحراوى.
لمزيد من الاستفسارات رجاء الاتصال بلجنة الاشراف على التدريب المتخصص
مقر القرية الذكية : 35342455 35342446
مقر مدينة نصر :24048561 داخلى: 151 او 276 او 278
بريد الكترونى: ptraining@nti.sci.eg
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